P.E. Class is a step in the right direction

Walking for Fitness is a one credit class for a lifetime of fitness


By: Christina Perkins
Staff Writer


Walking for Fitness is a one-credit physical education class for students who want an easy start on their fitness journey, according to instructor Karen Koshak, who has been teaching the class since she arrived at Meramec in 2002.

The class meets biweekly and consists of walking on various paths and trails through the Kirkwood area. Some destinations include the lake at Kirkwood Park and the local quarry. Students record their resting heart rate at the beginning of each walk and record their steps using a pedometer or phone application in order to track progress.

“What makes walking for fitness interesting is that when someone out of shape comes to the class, they start seeing results and being more active,” said Koshak. “It’s the small steps. To see someone’s progress is interesting.”

Koshak, who is originally from Queens, New York, taught health and fitness in California before starting at Meramec. According to Koshak, walking is a universal exercise that can be done by all kinds of students anywhere and anytime. Students can use skills gained in the class for the rest of their lives.5

Walking for fitness helps students learn to walk more properly, including practicing different breathing techniques. The class also includes instruction about dietary health and discussion of injuries that can occur from walking incorrectly.

Mauresia Bowen, a student who is currently enrolled in walking for fitness, described the class as fun and healthy.

“In walking for fitness, you’re moving and being active for everyday life,” said Bowen. “Some people don’t appreciate walking and take walking for granted but it is good for you to walk.”

According to Bowen, walking for fitness teaches students not to take walking for granted, as many people don’t have the ability to walk. She also said the class will help with her sense of direction.

“At the end of the semester, I think walking for fitness will teach me to navigate around Kirkwood and how to keep a pace without being tired,” said Bowen.

Student Evan Marty said he took the class because he needed a PE credit but found the exercises the class does before walking to be useful for his daily fitness.

“I try to work out when I get up and go to bed but I just never remember to,” said Marty. “And with this we don’t do anything unless we do [the exercises]. So it’s more of a discipline thing that I need.”

Koshak said at the end of the class she adds up all the steps done by students and calculates the miles they’ve walked. She said students are amazed at how far they can walk in one short semester.

“It’s not that we do a tremendous amount but you do a couple miles here and there and it adds up,” said Koshak.

Check with the enrollment office for next semester’s availability for Walking for Fitness.