Wonders of the Weird: Garbage Enthusiast

A look into odd news from around the world.

By: Endya Goliday
-Staff Writer-

We have heard of peeping toms and fetish photographers, but have you ever heard of someone whose fascination with garbage leads him to hide in refuse trucks and film trash collectors at work? In Motala, Sweden the UPI have put out a report on a special kind of “enthusiast.”

[“At one point he was lying hidden in a Dumpster full of trash that they were about to empty,” police spokesman Egon Persson said. “Sometimes he hangs on at the back of the truck, without the driver’s knowledge. Sometimes he climbs up on the roof of the vehicle.” “He likes to lie on the roof of the truck and film the men at work,” said foreman Per Andersson. ]

Yes, there is someone out there who is turned on by watching garbage men load their trucks full with bags of your rotten food and used tissues, losing themselves in heaps and heaps of discarded waste. What does this man do with the films depicting these men and their craft? What do they look like? Do they move in slow motion while ‘80s porn music plays?

What about the fact that he lies inside dumpsters and rides the back of garbage trucks? Is this fixation so inflamed with garbage passion that he does not mind risking his life because he just has to get that one shot?

When googling “trash fixation”, “garbage infatuation”, and every other variation of those two words you will find no name or term for this type of behavior and/or disorder.  It is not something that people want to bring attention to, especially the type of attention that this man is getting from authorities and garbage men in Sweden (but, really, can you blame him for wanting to stay under the radar?) Many similar incidents with this man finally led to a police report being filed, thus informing all garbage drivers about the man’s activities so that they can remain vigilant; vigilant for the garbage pervert.

“This is a sick man,” foreman Andersson said. “He has an enormous interest in rubbish and our work.” I guess the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” is not simply a figure of speech. It is literal and it stinks like hell.