‘Watch_Dogs: Legion’ is too ambitious for its own good

The third installment in the video game series takes advantage of its location, but stumbles with its mechanics.

Online Editor

Fans of the “Watch_Dogs” video game series have been waiting for five years for a new installment. Were those five years worth the wait?

The most positive thing that can be said about the “Watch_Dogs” series is that they always try their best to give its players a different kind of gaming experience, and that the environment to play in is always full of life. Every bystander has a story that you can catch a glimpse of. In this game, the massive city of London is as compelling of a location as one can hope to play within.

That being said, none of the good things about “Legion” take away from its massive faults.

The game feels disorganized, more often than not. It feels repetitive too, not just in terms of the structure of each “mission” but down to the repetitive dialogue.

That dialogue is almost a necessary evil in this installment, as you can play as literally almost anyone that you come across within the game; the player is able to switch between characters while roaming the city.

The characters often look different but speak in similar patterns, and it is noticeable just how strange they all sound. It definitely is noticeable enough to take away from the game experience.

In terms of the plot of the game, that is set in a fictional, futuristic post-Brexit London, the main story takes a serious, darker turn as opposed to “Watch_Dogs 2.”

I personally enjoyed the more light-hearted feel of the second game more, but this installment finds a more acceptable middle ground between the feel of the first and second games; the first game, released back in 2014, takes itself more seriously than it should.

“Legion” is definitely not a wasted effort. The developers at Ubisoft did their best to try and create a new, fun kind of video game experience, and deserve to be commended for that. However, the game is too rough around the edges to be considered anything resembling revolutionary. Hopefully by the time “Watch_Dogs 4” is released, whenever that may be, the kinks will be worked out, and the game will finally live up to the hype that it always generates.

Game Rating: 3.5/5 Stars