Students react to cancelled courses

Views from the students on the cancelled classes


By: Endya Goliday
-Staff Writer-

“Since my class was cancelled I have to graduate one full school year later because I needed that one particular course in order to graduate and transfer. I thought that people would be signing up for it because it’s an English course but apparently not.” -Becky Jones, College Composition II

“It wasn’t so much that my class was cancelled but that they [Meramec] told me that my class was cancelled four days before the class was going to start. I had to scramble to look for a course just to replace that one, it was annoying. The school could have at least given me a two weeks notice about the cancellation.” -Tom Shuman, Care & Prevention of Athletic Injury

“My Public Relations class was cancelled again. This is the second semester in a row that this has happened to me. I was planning on graduating at the end of this school year but now it’s all up in the air because the course keeps getting cancelled, it’s crazy.” -Caleb Tofall, Public Relations

“I’m on academic scholarship and I signed up for an Intro to Sociology class which was cancelled. Since I can’t take it here I had to take it at Wildwood and now I have to run back and forth between the Wildwood and Meramec campuses for a single course in able to finish all of my courses and graduate on time. It’s more work than I would like but you have to do what you have to do.” -Janey Lawson, Intro to Sociology

“My course was full and it was still cancelled with no explanation at all. I didn’t even know the class had been cancelled until I went to what I thought was going to be the first day of class and one was there. It was really irritating. The secretary for the department for the class didn’t even know the class had been cancelled. It was just gone.” -Lindsey Stevens, World Religions