Jake’s Take: The Rematch That No One Wants

As America likely heads for a Trump/Biden rematch, the country is more exhausted than ever

Managing Editor

It says a lot about the state, and the potential future, of this country that every election that I’ve been able to vote in has been the most consequential in American history. It also says a lot that the choices we’ve been given since 2016 have been less than inspiring.

As we head into November, politics will once again return to the forefront of our media, our advertising and most aspects of American life that it fills, more than usual, during every election year. And it’s incredibly obvious that we’re all heading toward a rematch from 2020 that pretty much no one wants, between former President Donald Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden. And as it stands right now, neither man has their shit together.

I’ve made my thoughts on both men clear over the years. In numerous columns, I’ve harshly criticized Trump’s policies and his behavior. I’ve published his mugshot in this publication. I don’t like the man and I don’t think he was very good at his job. There have been many people I know, and likely some readers of this publication, that have criticized me and attempted to forge a counter argument or two, which is their right. But the facts are facts: he’s not the man for the job. He may have accomplished some good things, but the bad far outweighs the good. And, that’s without going into his pending criminal trials. 

Conversely, Joe Biden hasn’t proven to be the inspiring and uniting figure that he was during the 2020 campaign, and he’s messed up in some big ways. But his track record quietly speaks for itself, even if every American doesn’t see it or doesn’t want to see it. 

This column isn’t a plea to choose Biden, however. It’s not even a full-fledged indictment of Trump. At least for now, I’ll let them handle that stuff by themselves.

No, this column is a rant that basically is trying to say… why the hell are we doing this again? Why can no other person step up, and when it comes to the Republican field, succeed? 

The 2020 election came at a time of great turmoil and great division, and the debates and discourse between Trump and Biden (mostly coming from the former) was an exhausting time. That first debate in Sept. 2020 literally almost drove me to drink as it was airing, and I don’t even drink. Why would we as a country want to put ourselves through this again? Why does America keep choosing problematic and ancient candidates?

The first reason is probably money. Money wins elections more than grassroots and honest campaigning ever will, and that’s truly a sad fact that needs to change. Old school politicians are exceptionally good at this, and while I believe Biden had good intentions in 2020, money absolutely played a factor in his campaign succeeding. Trump, while proven in court to be worth much less than he claims, still has a lot of money, even if he doesn’t know how to keep a positive cash flow to save his life.

The second reason is because Americans don’t know how to let go of anything. Trump is basically a cult leader, even if he doesn’t think he is or doesn’t fully grasp why he is. People literally stormed the Capitol and one of them DIED over his election lies. Trump empowers bad people to do and say heinous things, and then simultaneously denies responsibility and gives his supporters an ego boost. That’s dangerous cult leader like behavior. Conversely, Biden was a safe bet to maintain a reasonable status quo in 2020, and despite some major flaws, he’s still a safe bet now. Despite what people on the left claim, Americans are not ready for and don’t actually want radical change. If they did, Bernie would have raised enough money and gotten the nomination in 2016.

Which leads to point number three: all of the candidates absolutely suck. Especially the Republican ones. Trump barely had to lift a finger and he’s won every state primary as of press time. None of the candidates are as charismatic as Trump is, and the charisma alone carried him to victory. The Republican electorate doesn’t want someone who will work across the aisle with the other side; they want a bully. And none of the Republican candidates are particularly good at bullying.

I wish it didn’t come to this, and I wish our system, and the electorate at large, was more open to more appealing candidates. But we’re not, and we may not be for awhile.I know one other thing: we’re in for a long, dreadful election year, largely against our will, no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on. Buckle up. Much like the roads in South County, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.