I’m not afraid

Online Editor Austin Schumann expands on the different ways for introverts to share their talents


By: AUSTIN SCHUMANNAustin Schumann
Online Editor


When they are in the shower, people sing their favorite song with no regard to pitch, tone, rhythm or volume.

They draw spectacular pieces of artwork in notebooks when no one is looking, and they take amazing pictures that stay forever on their memory card.

What all these actions have in common is that they are done with no one around, no one to see for fear of judgment.

Why do we do it?

Why are we afraid to take the stage at the local karaoke bar, but willing to belt it out to our comb, singing to the audience that is the bathroom mirror?

Everybody is shy to some extent, some just more so than others.

Even if you are not a total introvert, stepping forward and showing off your talents can be terrifying.

This shyness is not limited to singing alone.

Not too long ago before the Internet, these people would never be able to share their talent with the world.

If there was no one within earshot, the best singer may go unheard and there would be no one to have their lives changed by the music.

Without someone looking at their drawings, museums would be devoid of thought-provoking masterpieces.

There was a time where being shy was a death sentence for talent.

The good news is that the Internet has given us the ability to share talent while still staying anonymous.

Websites like DeviantArt give people ways to showcase their best drawings, ranging from fan art to original work of their own.

Flickr allows people to upload those amazing pictures they took on vacation and show it to millions of people around the globe.

Many people have heard of Justin Bieber.

He got his start singing covers of songs on YouTube, getting the attention of producers everywhere.

However, videos do not have to be of the person performing.

The visual can be a collage of pictures illustrating a point or just the lyrics of the song on screen.

The biggest benefit of these websites is that you are not seeing people face-to-face.

Someone can record their talent on camera, then put it online and never look at it again.

So go out and show everyone what you can do. Even if you still feel embarrassed about other people seeing your work, the good news is that anonymity thrives online.

No one has to know who exactly may be behind the masterpiece, but the world misses out when something amazing is hidden away.