Spencer’s Sports Desk: Cardinal number five

Spencer’s Sports Commentary

Spencer Gleason - Sports Editor -

Spencer Gleason
-Sports Editor- 

It just takes a moment to reflect. Now take a moment to count out 40 seconds.

One… Two… Three… Done?

Now imagine standing at home plate in the middle of Busch Stadium with the backdrop of the St. Louis city skyline just beyond the stadium grounds and for those same 40 seconds, a thunderous, roaring ovation chants for the one who wears jersey number five.

In a moment where chills are felt up and down the spine, only to grow into goose bumps, number five tips his helmet to the crowd and to the city of St. Louis. To Cardinal Nation, he is saying ‘Thank you.’

What began 11 years ago, in 2001, has reached the end of a chapter. Although the next page, at the moment, is left blank, if the page is turned the other way, the memories begin to flashback and individual moments become miniture movies played in the mind.

It’s the moment when he hit a home run in his first at-bat at Busch Stadium in 2001; when he gave St. Louis one more game at the old Busch Stadium in 2005. He was an outfielder and third baseman turned first baseman; a world champion in 2006. Then there were those 40 seconds this past Sunday.

Regardless of the unwritten chapter ahead—number five will always be a Cardinal.