Retirement, oranges and hurricanes

Tomorrow, hundreds of Americans will pile into their American flag monster trucks and head on down to “The Sunshine State.”


Kavahn Mansouri

Sunshine, oranges and hurricane force winds… Florida has it all. America really does contain some of the most beautiful places in the world. Utah for instance, Montana maybe (when was the last time you met someone from Montana that was not interesting?!), even Arkansas. Such grand, interesting and happening places to live and visit. But although Montana might be known for its bustling atmosphere and trending fashion world, Florida takes the cake when it comes to being what America is all about.

Retirement Homes. Florida’s got them. Hurricanes. Florida’s got them. Orange juice that would make the lips quiver and the stomach churn with excitement. Florida. These things do not just happen. They occur for a divine reason, something the human mind might not be able to understand. It is, however, important that we attempt to understand what Florida is all about. Why it is such a patriotic place to live and where did these acts of divine intervention happen to come from?

Retirement. It’s the only explanation to the Florida phenomena. With all these over-the-hill partygoers heading down to the great land of Florida, it is no surprise that these fantastic attributes landed on the sandy beaches of Florida. People who have been around the block a few dozen times seem to get what they ask for, and as that old proverb goes “Ask and you shall receive.”

Tomorrow, hundreds of Americans will pile into their American flag monster trucks and head on down to “The Sunshine State.” Where the oranges roll from the trees and remind the taste buds of the first time they experienced citrus, the people are aged like a fine wine with a few stories to tell and the hurricanes will literally knock you off your feet. Florida truly is America.