America Kicks Ass: Osama Bin Laden

America Kicks Ass is the finest column around when it comes to appreciating the little things in life that are American, and also kick ass. The column covers a variety of American creations through a overflowing waterfall of patriotic sentiment.

Kavahn Mansouri - Art & Life Editor -

Kavahn Mansouri
– Arts & Life Editor –

In 1965 Muhammad Ali knocked out Sonny Liston, in 1972 Bruce Lee knocked out Chuck Norris in “The Way of the Dragon” and in 2011 America kicked the ass off of Osama Bin Laden. Now more than ever, it is official that Americans kick some serious ass. 
On September 11, 2001 America was attacked by agents of terrorism. They attempted to shatter everything that we, Americans, believe in. They failed in that attempt and instead united America (or United the States), birthing an era of kicking major ass on a 24/7 basis. It all led up to another major moment in American history. Hunting and exterminating the guy who did it. 
President Barrack Obama gave the order for the U.S. forces to move in and kick the life out of Bin Laden and that is exactly what they did. America took a nice running start and sacked terrorism right into a pile of mud, intercepted the football of freedom and ran it in for a game winning touchdown. “I get knocked down, but I get up again, your never going to keep me down,” needs to be added to the dollar bill after these recent events. But don’t call it a comeback folks, because America was here all along, kicking ass, taking names and singing about bombs bursting in air. “I get knocked down, but I get up again, your never going to keep me down,” needs to be added to the dollar bill after these recent events.