America Kicks Ass: Morgan Freeman is freedom

Kavahn explores America and why it kicks ass

Kavahn Mansouri

Americans kick some serious ass. I have put this down on paper so many times now, I would be surprised if the world had not heard my message and accepted it. But just to reiterate, lets use some great examples of American celebrities.

Morgan Freeman. Almost enough said, but this man has done more for America than our Founding Fathers. With a voice that is as smooth as a river of creamy ranch dressing, Morgan Freeman takes your ears to a nice seafood dinner, calls it back the next day and eventually takes its hand in marriage.

After a long life of being in love with your ears, the ears and Morgan Freeman move into a nice beach house and live happily ever after.

You get the idea, Morgan Freeman has been narrating for a long time, and we all hope he is not nearing an end to his career. The acting is all right, okay at best, but that voice no one can beat. It is the equivilant to eating the rarest truffle in the world, except anyone can have it, whenever they want.It says everything about America; smooth, delicious, even nutritious. Morgan Freeman sums up what America is all about; he is one cool cat.

Go watch “The Shawshank Redemption” and try saying Morgan Freeman is not all about being free and vying for liberty.

He is the most American man in the world and should be sworn into the office of the Presidency immediately. Forget about his “political experience,” everyone would be 10 times more interested in the nation if Morgan Freeman was telling us to go out and do political stuff.

Be American, go buy an audio book Morgan Freeman narrates and try not to imagine an eagle soaring through the skies with red, white and blue colored feathers. Do not forget your camouflage beer cans and American flag pants while you are at it because American flag pants are always in style in America.