America kicks ass: Gangster lifestyle

America Kicks Ass is the finest column around when it comes to appreciating the little things in life that are American, and also kick ass. The column covers a variety of American creations through a overflowing waterfall of patriotic sentiment.

Kavahn Mansouri - Art & Life Editor -

Kavahn Mansouri
– Arts & Life Editor –

Over the summer, I took some time to dig deep into my American roots. I went out to the capital, bought some new American flag pants and memorized the Bill of Rights. Now more than ever I can tell you, my dear readers. America… Kicks Ass.

This year we will be digging into American culture. Taking a look at the lifestyles of our fellow Americans… starting with the gangster lifestyle. When our founding fathers came to this land they had a dream of wearing sweet flat bill hats and having tattoos on their knuckles that read “THUG LIFE.” They longed to put down their muskets and take part in rap battles to earn more street cred. These ideals and beliefs truly have transcended into today’s gangster lifestyle.

When it comes to rolling phat, spinning rims and the American lifestyle, gangsters will win out every time. Nothing to me says, “Hey look at me, I’m rolling down the street smoking endo, sipping on gin and juice,” more than America. England? Nope. Germany? Nope. Switzerland? Slightly… But still, in the end you don’t get more gangster than America.