Challenging Convention

Same-Sex Marriages

Billy Gardner


Staff Writer

The same-sex marriage debate has made its way into the nation’s consciousness in recent years. Many states have legalized it, while it remains illegal throughout the majority of the U.S.

It seems baffling that same-sex marriage faces such passionate opposition. Arguments against same-sex marriage are illogical, silly, ungrounded or hateful.

Religious beliefs are frequently sited for why same-sex marriage should not be legal. Many religions put forth the idea that same-sex is wrong because it is sinful. But, religious beliefs are not based in fact, they are faith based. Therefore, they cannot be interjected in a rational debate because they are by definition irrational. Besides that, marriage is a secular institution. Religious beliefs are irrelevant to the discussion on same-sex marriage.

Another common argument against same-sex marriage says that legalizing gay marriage is a slippery slope that could lead to the legalization of pedophilia, polygamy, incest or marriages to non-human beings. This point of view insists that for this reason, the definition of marriage must be firmly held and defined as being between a man and a woman.

The problem with this argument, aside from its overall stupidity, is that there is no evidence or reason to believe that this would occur. The slippery slope argument is debunked when a process cannot be demonstrated for how the perceived “cause” will lead to the potential “effect”.

Many people will also say that same-sex marriage should remain illegal because it would be a detriment to traditional family values. This idea reeks of hatred and condescension. “Traditional family values” is a buzz-phrase used to convince others that same-sex marriage is scary.

Who would want to weaken family values? There is no reason to believe that families of same-sex couples would lack the values of any other family.

Two men or two women are no less capable of loving, supporting and caring for a family than any other couple. It seems that two adults making a commitment to spend their lives together would fortify their relationship, thereby strengthening their family unit.

Besides, what are “traditional family values”? The problem with not legalizing same-sex marriage is that it is blatantly discriminatory. Gays and lesbians are not being extended the same rights as straight Americans. There are countless stories of couples suffering discrimination by denied visitation of their sick would-be husband or wife, not inheriting their partner’s property following death, not being able to adopt and not being able to file joint tax returns. These are a few of many examples of how same-sex marriages being banned affects these couples.

Gays and lesbians are human beings that are often treated as second-class citizens. In a nation that prides itself on freedom and individuals rights, it is appalling that so many people are quick to suppress the rights of others. The fact that same-sex marriage is not legal nationwide is sad, pitiful and embarrassing.