Make it Clique: a guide to different groups in the student body

What clique on campus would you fit best in? Answer the questions below by circling the answer that is most like you. Total up your points by adding up the numbers that correspond with each letter under each question.

Stephanie Stough
-Managing Editor-

People form groups in social settings; it’s human nature. At STLCC-Meramec, students form various cliques– from divas, to slackers to the gamers and everyone in between. Below are descriptions of different groups that people may or may not fall into. Where do you fall?

What time do you usually get to class?

A. Whenever you feel like leaving the drum circle.
B. About ten minutes early—you need to ask your teacher about last class’ lecture.
C. A few minutes before class starts–you file your nails and text the latest gossip.
D. As soon as your game ends in the cafeteria.
E. You’re already on campus because you could never tear yourself away from your project.
F. About 30 minutes late—after all, the teacher said it’s better to come late than not at all, right?

A=6, B=4, C=1, D=2, E=5, F=3

How do you spend your free time on campus?

A. Catching some Z’s in the library.
B. Playing hacky sack, dancing to the drum beats, and setting a new hula hooping record.
C. Playing your portable game device, after a game of “Yu- Gi-Oh!” or “Magic: the Gathering” in the cafeteria.
D. Dragging around your drawing board and art supplies is tiring, so you find your niche in the dark room.
E. Fixing your hair in the mirror, hogging the sink from those waiting to wash their hands.
F. You have no free time between all of your study sessions.

A=3, B=6, C=2, D=5, E=1, F=4

What types of classes are you enrolled in?

A. Theater III. You cannot get enough drama!
B. Watercoloring, Ceramics II and Portrait Photography, just to name a few.
C. Biology, Oral Communications and sometimes College Composition, depending on how much sleep you got the night before.
D. Comic Book Illustration and Introduction to Programming.
E. Organic Garming and Environmental Studies. What other classes are there?
F. Analytic Geometry and Calculus III and Bio-organic and Analytical Chemistry. You didn’t get all of that college credit in high school for nothing.

A=1, B=5, C=3, D=2, E=6, F=4

How much time do you spend on campus?

A. As much time as you feel like spending.
B. Until the second the library closes, you get as much studying in as possible.
C. Until the second the library closes, you use the wireless internet to play as much “World of Warcraft” as possible.
D. You leave campus in time to make it to your hair and nail appointment.
E. Until you reach perfection with your latest masterpiece.
F. Since you’re either late to class or don’t come at all, you barely earn the title of “commuter.”

A=6, B=4, C=2, D=1, E=5, F=3

What phrase are you more likely to use on a regular basis?
A. “You got pwnd, noob.”
B.  “That is so fetch!”
C. “I pulled an all-nighter last night.”
D. “Can I borrow a pencil?”
E. “Gulliver is a work of art.”

You’re most like a diva.
You’re most like a gamer.
You’re most like a slacker.
You’re most like an
You’re most like a hippie.


Someone who is an overachiever is more than likely the person in class who shows up 10 minutes early.
In classrooms, overachievers are easy to detect. They usually raise their hands on a regular basis and constantly ask questions and give examples. These are the best people to partner up with for class assignments.
Generally, they are the students who took a lot of college credit courses in high school and are at Meramec to prove that was no waste of time.


They might as well be famous for asking “Do you have a pencil I can borrow?”
They exist in almost every class but no one knows why they even bother coming to school at all.
They tend to make a  grand entrance around 30 minutes after class has begun, without pen or paper.  They will more than likely ask the teacher if he or she has any extra handouts from last class.
Undoubtely, the slacker in class is the person who  gets away without contributing a single bit to group projects.


It’s Friday at noon and all the hippies are lounging around the drum circle.
They chill and feel the music as they hit their bongos in a rhythmic fashion. Don’t forget about the surrounding hippies dancing with hula hoops.
Other times of the week,  they congregate here to smoke, give chain massages and play hacky sack. In general they advocate for peace and love, dude.  In class, most of the time, they smell of cigarette smoke and cheap incense.


No, that’s not a SWAT team heading toward the masses, it’s a diva, strutting her stuff as she walks from class to class.
Girls that demand things from others can be known as “Divas.” They fix their hair and makeup in the mirror in the bathroom, hogging the sinks from those who are waiting to wash their hands. Generally, they text throughout class, daring not to miss the latest gossip. They try out for every campus play because they cannot get enough drama in other aspects of their lives.


Everyone knows an artist.
Most of the time, they fill up their notebooks with sketches and doodles in the place of notes during class.  They  can’t help themselves  from  taking in inspiration from everything around them. They spend the majority of time on campus in the dark room, developing their latest portrait masterpiece and are always on the prowl for models.
They create works of art from things like a simple piece of yarn to blocks of wood.In general, artists can found in Humanities East dragging around drawing boards, art supplies, and any props they plan to produce as artwork.


Unless a comic book convention is taking place, student gamers can generally be found in the cafeteria actively getting involved in a game “Yu-Gi-Oh!”, in the library playing “World of Warcraft” or walking to class using a PSP or Gameboy.
Gamers are probably guilty of missing a few classes after not wanting to interrupt an extreme game of “Pokemon.”
They can be identified on campus because of the bags under their eyes from neglecting sleep after long intense nights of Halo.
Forget textbooks, their backpack might be filled with trading cards and comic books.