What do you wish you had known about Meramec earlier?

Student Kristen Huyett answers.

By: Kristen Huyett
-Guest Contributor-

One thing I wish I would have known sooner as a Meramec student is that STLCC is one of the top community colleges in the nation. It is something to be proud of. But what that means for students is even more important. It means access to top professors, classes, programs, facilities and extracurricular activities which translate into opportunities. There are opportunities to be involved in leadership, intellectual pursuit, community service, free concerts, speakers and plays, athletics and campus clubs. So how do you get involved, what might make some students hesitant, and why would someone want to get involved? Here are a few suggestions.

To get involved, I’ve learned that even though Meramec has a plethora of opportunities, they must be sought out. For example, growing up, I could be a shy kid who waited for someone to ask me to play four square and my feelings were hurt when I was left out. Then, in fifth grade, my friend, Kate, told me I would never have any friends if I didn’t go out and ask to be included. I have to admit her comment stung, but over time I realized she was right. I had to pursue friends; people were not always going to ask me to join in. Opportunities are the same. Sometimes good opportunities find you, but most of the time you have to initiate.

Come on though, let’s be honest. It’s not easy to initiate, put yourself out there, or step outside the box. Leaving your comfort zone can be one of the hardest things to do sometimes. I was nervous just going to the Club Days event on campus my first semester. I’ll admit the free food is what persuaded me to attend. I was unsure of the unknown and I didn’t know anyone on campus either.

One of my favorite authors, Donald Miller, wrote, “Fear isn’t only a guide to keep us safe; it’s also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.” I don’t want to live a boring life, but fear of failure, my lack of confidence, or feeling I’m not smart enough can sometimes keep me from taking advantage of opportunities in my day- to- day life. What is great about Meramec is that it has been a safe place for me to make mistakes, learn and grow. There are also excellent professors and fellow students willing to help on that journey.

Furthermore, taking advantage of opportunities on campus does not require previous preparation and is not designated for certain individuals. Meramec is the training ground- a place to get started, a large lake to dip your big toe into at the very least. What is unique about a two-year versus a four-year institution is that they tend to be smaller and therefore allow for more access to a wide range of opportunities. There are not as many students competing for the same resources. Take advantage of this. My best suggestion for getting involved is to start small by beginning to ask questions. Ask until you find your answer.

One thing you can gain through the opportunities available on campus is life experience which can also help you learn about yourself. Learning about your strengths, weaknesses, likes or dislikes can help you figure out what you want to do in life and in which area you might want to major . If you are lucky enough to be someone with little commitments at this point in your life, take advantage of a valuable resource, time, and seize the day. Carpe Diem!