Staying Busy at Meramec

Clubs, organizations offer students opportunities

By: Kavahn Mansouri
– Editor-in-Chief

Meramec offers a wide array of student activities through clubs and organizations. These groups give students a chance to get involved at Meramec through different genres of activities, services and similiar interest groups.

Clubs such as the Photo Club, Bridge Club, Fencing Club, Sky Club and others offer students a unique opportunity to connect with their fellow students in activities and events. Bridge Club, for instance, meets every Wednesday to play Bridge and is also Meramec’s oldest club.

Meramec also offers several different opportunities to join student organizations that plan events and manage clubs. Student Governance Council and Student Activities Council offer students a chance to involve themselves in the inner working of student life.

One of Meramec’s organizations is the Student Ambassadors. Ambassadors are here to offer advice to current and incoming students by giving tours and working at various on-campus charity events.