Taking a bite out of America’s eating habits

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention approximately 30 percent of Americans are obese

Luelana Bustamente
-Staff Writer-

When it comes to eating habits, many studies have attempted to understand how Americans are eating and what is causing approximately 30 percent of Americans to become obese in the United States, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In the book “In Defense of Food,” Michael Pollan infers that fast food and processed food are the main causes of obesity among Americans. However, according to a study made by the marketing information group National Purchasing Diary (NPD), Americans are still eating dinner at home.

“If we ask why has the rate of adult obesity doubled in the last three decades, the reasons would be time to prepare healthy meals has diminished,” said Jay Snaric, biology professor at STLCC-Meramec and the Nutritional Education Club advisor. “It’s more expensive to cook healthy food, portions size are bigger, and [there is a] lack of exercise.”

In American culture, time is money. Lack of time can be a huge problem for an American’s health. Snaric said that having both parents working out of the house is more common now than 50 years ago, and moms do not have time to cook healthy food for their family anymore. “Moms now are working, going to school, trying to feed their children. That’s a big problem with time right there. It is easier to go and drive to McDonald’s or Burger King’s drive-thru,” Snaric said.

Everything changes when it is about Thanksgiving or holidays. That is the only time of the year when families have more time to cook an elaborate feast and sit together to enjoy the meal. “Holidays are an exception to the rule. Usually, on holidays, people have a couple of days out of work,” Snaric said.

Lack of time can also be a reason why people neglect exercising. Work and other daily obligations often cause people to not have extra time to exercise. “They have to take time out of their day. It’s an investment in themselves,” Snaric said.

Money is another factor that makes a difference as to why Americans are eating so unhealthy. Usually, buying healthy food at the grocery stores is more expensive than buying fast food. However, Snaric said that it is possible for people to learn how to cook healthy meals in a timely manner and inside the budget, with the proper education.

A few simple solutions for Americans to eat healthier would be to avoid eating fast food, drinking soda, and to start eating lean protein, lots of vegetables, and lots of fruits. “I don’t think a lot of people understand basic nutrition. I don’t think they understand why chicken nuggets or french fries is not healthy. I don’t think people understand that giving your kid fruit juice or soda is not good, because actually is just sugar,” Snaric said.

According to the CDC, an unhealthy choice of food is contributing to obesity among children.  Thirty-three percent of all children from 5 to 19 years of age are overweight or obese.

For Snaric, moms don’t seem to understand that obesity can be more harmful for the kids’ health in the future than smoking cigarettes. According to a report published in The Examiner, obesity is now the country’s No. 1 preventable death.

“Everybody would be offended if they saw a 7-year-old child smoking or doing drugs,” Snaric said. “But reality is that childhood obesity is just as dangerous or more dangerous for their health in the future, as it shortens their lives.”