Practical, fun april fool’s jokes

Some people are good at coming up with new pranks to pull, but for those that need a little help figuring out what to do for this day of pranks, here are a few ideas to help out.By: Shane Rice
– Staff Writer –

There’s one day out of the year when a person might get away with teepeeing a neighbor’s car, or filling all the toilets at the school with clear Jell-O, or perhaps even turning a best friend’s kitchen sink into a garden planter, April Fool’s Day is the day of pranks and practical jokes. Even though the origins of this day are uncertain, skeptics believe it started around 1582 while France was still under rule of Charles IX.

Salty Toothbrush

One good prank is to put salt on his or her toothbrush. Wait around to see the nasty look on their face.

Chocolate covered…cotton balls?

Take a bag of cotton balls and stems off of cherries. Place the stems in the cotton and submerge them in chocolate. Offer them only to the intended victim and watch as they get an unexpected mouthful.

Jell-o Toilet

There’s always room for Jell-O…in the toilet. First thing to do is get approximately six to 10 packets of clear, non-flavored gelatin. Dump all packets into the toilet and allow it to set for four hours. The next person to use the rest room will find their prize is sitting on the water rather than floating in it.

Tailpipe Pop

Get a balloon and put it on the tailpipe of a car or other motor vehicle. Make sure the car isn’t already on! When the car is started the balloon give a nice big pop.

Fog Horn Gag

The worst thing about this prank is patience. Wait in the stall of any restroo. When someone walks in to to do business, blow a fog horn, and run. They will either drop more than they anticipated or pee all over themselves.

Garden in the Kitchen

Get a bag or two of potting soil and a few small plants. Try to get something pretty. Plug the drain empty the soil into the sink and plant the flowers. The intended victim will get a beautiful surprise when going to get a drink of water the next time.