Running on Empty

Photo Editor Alex White shows that running does not have be expensive


By: ALEX WHITEAlex White
Photo Editor


Running does not have to break the bank.

Becoming a runner can become expensive. With buying running gear and paying for races it may seem to get out of hand pretty quickly. But, there are a few ways to make sure it does not get too out of hand.

First off, the only equipment that is really needed to run are the right shoes. Of course proper clothes will help too, but all-in-all old t-shirts and shorts can be worn to run.

Running shoes are very different from the ones that are worn everyday. The body moves in such different ways while running compared to walking. Running in the wrong shoes can do quite a bit of damage to the legs. It may cause shin splints, runners knee or possibly blisters.

It is best to go to the local running store. Big River Running Company and Fleet Feet are great places to get help in finding the right shoes. They cost anywhere from $85 to $150. Though that seems high, a good pair can log up to 500 miles before needing to be replaced.

Personally, a 5k race a month is the goal and those can get pretty pricey too. It is a good idea to find races that are not very big. The inaugural year a race is held is generally cheaper than big races. Big races can cost up to $65 and when attending once a month it will add up fast. Smaller races can cost $25 to $35 in the long run can save more than $400.

Also, the earlier you sign up for a race the less expensive they will be, although some months it can be hard to find a fairly priced run. When that happens, group runs are a great opportunity. Big River Running Company holds group nights every Monday at 6 p.m. and the course ranges from three to six miles.

Now, there are also many awesome running gadgets and clothes out there that can seem pretty enticing in the beginning. Wait for a few months to see how running is going and if you will continue it.

Until that day comes there are plenty of places to go to get nice running clothes without spending a pretty penny. Target is probably the best place to go to get shirts, shorts and socks for a good price.

Running does not have to be expensive. It is all about finding the right items at the right places.