Environmental Choices: Hope in the Small

There is always hope for the future

Staff Photographer

It is amazing how much one learns about something one loves by teaching about it. Over the past eight months, I have written about a variety of environmental issues, informed about the effects of different threats to the planet, and explained solutions that the average person can do to ease the tension. But in the end, the greatest hope for the health and welfare of the planet, and all the life that depends upon it, are the small acts of individuals.

People seem to turn away from conservation because it sometimes seems like a tangled, unsolvable mess. It seems to be too big to tackle. But every small act adds up into one large result, even if it is only focused on one thing like recycling paper and cardboard. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees, two barrels of oil, three yards of landfill space and about 60 pounds of air pollution, according to WebEcoist, a green lifestyle publication. If everyone recycled only paper, the impact would be astounding.

Even making simple switches in the home, such as making sure the hot water heater is no hotter than 120 degrees, changing light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, washing clothes in cold or warm instead of hot water, unplugging all electronics and turning off the tap when brushing teeth can all make a huge impact. There is even a mobile app called One Small Act that allows users to track personal goals and gives suggestions on how to be greener in small ways.

What the planet really needs is some respect from all its inhabitants. As humans, we are a part of the Earth’s cycles and ecosystems. By thinking we are above the natural cycle, we will lead ourselves into self-destruction. It seems like there needs to be a dramatic shift or a lifestyle change to make a difference. But in reality, small changes in daily habits, such as recycling and changing light bulbs can make all the difference.

Anthropologist Margret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

It is a solid reminder that the world’s problems are not so scary with a bit of teamwork, and there is always hope for the future.