The wife of campus life: end of semester stress

Kimberly explores student life

Kimberly Morice
-Asst. Photo Editor-

Stress is hitting students at this time in the semester, when pencils are getting chewed, hair is tangled from lack of caring about one’s appearance and tears are being shed over assignments and pure exhaustion.

When students find themselves near tears during the final weeks of school, they should remember a few things to keep themselves from having a complete meltdown in the middle of the library: yoga, breathing and sleep. It is difficult to not let yourself get worn out, but students must remember not to let the stress of the semester get to them.

Students do not have to be a yoga master to understand and use some of the techniques that come along in the practice. Stretching and deep breathing can help someone relax during a stressful time. It may seem silly, but breathing is also an important thing to remember to do, especially if one is prone to panic attacks during high-stress periods.

Pulling all-nighters often happens when finals are right around the corner, but sleep is an important part of getting good grades. Students should decide at least one night a week to relax and not spend their time studying, to avoid getting burned out before school is over for the semester.

For students who are not returning to Meramec in the fall, sometimes the hardest part of this time in the semester is planning on where to transfer. The final semester at community college is the most important, hopefully students have begun the transfer process long before their final months at the two-year college.

Most students never know where they will end up, which adds to the stress and frustration in the final weeks of the spring semester. Hopefully they learn to suppress the urge to throw all of their books out of a moving vehicle while studying for finals.  Massage companies should give discounts to students who have just finished finals, considering it might boost business at this time of year.