Introception: Moving Foward

Lilly talks about not letting fear of mistakes take over your life.


By: Lilly Huxhold
-Managing Editor-

A fall, a poor choice of words or an awkward conversation are the small inbetween moments that simmer in the backs of peoples’ minds. They’re petrifying and often belitting but teach the importance of moving forward in life. No matter how small the transgression, these moments do not go unidentified. What is worse is when they define a person, his or her actions and soon teach them to fear. Fear is the greatest obstacle in a person’s life, so do not let an aversion to accidents or mistakes keep away the serendipity of life. Beautiful memories, anecdotes and lessons come from these tiny interludes; defining moments are often made in the worst of times. So speak up, fall more often, because life is too short to be afraid and hide from what can only make people stronger.