America Kicks Ass: Deep-Fried America

Kavahn’s satirical look on why America kicks ass

Kavahn Mansouri

The way of the American is a pride-filled one, doing what we want, when we want, how we want, because who is going to stop us? In the great history of American cuisine has come one great emergence, unlike any other to have ever appeared in mankind’s existence.

Frying food, believed to have been found in ancient Egypt, is one of the most kick-ass things about America. We as a country have brought the culinary style to the mainstream of food. Fried chicken, fried steak, fried onions, fried potatoes, fried fish, even fried pizza and Twinkies.

These days you can fry about anything that comes to mind. There was even a fried food fair down in Texas that included fried beer and   deep-fried margaritas.

Let’s face it, America took a dead culinary style and gave it some pizzazz. Some of the tastiest, greasiest food comes from the great art of deep-frying.

What a tradition to call our own. Go ahead, take something in your room and fry that sucker; I guarantee it will taste fantastic by the end of that fry session. It is the American way, so do not be a traitor and go fry everything you can get your hands on.

So get the family together, throw on some Credence Clearwater Revival and heat up the fryer; it is going to be a long night of frying behind that American flag apron of yours, my friend.