America Kicks Ass: Another Year

A satirical look at America and why it kicks ass.

Kavahn Mansouri


Oh dear Americans, another year of kicking ass has come to a close. Two years we have been discussing kicking ass and every column and sentence has embraced that old saying in America. “Kick ass and take names.”

What is America? Is America only a place where freedom rings from sea to shining sea? Or is America a place where patriots can take two completely different things and place them under the same category? Morgan Freeman and Boxing, American. The GOP and gangster lifestyle, American. America is a place where anything is possible, a place where someone has the freedom to defend their beliefs to no end while they attack everyone else’s.

America is a place where you can take a normal truck, strap an American flag on it and some red, white and blue paint and instantly become three times the person you were before. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but also the land of the people, a place where any man or woman can ride around town with some American flag pants on their American flag couch playing G.I. Joe video games and eating freedom fries. That is an America we can all appreciate.

So I close out this semester sending a message of liberty and freedom across our fine campus, hoping that these words sway readers to go out and buy that red, white and blue jet ski they have always wanted to get their hands on, and also for Americans to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.

A country like this has its flaws, but it only comes around once or twice in a lifetime, so enjoy that, whatever it may be to you, because America, beneath it all is only what you make of it. So go out and smell those roses, breathe in freedom and appreciate it to no end.