Amend Amendment One

Staff writer explores inhumane treatment of animals


Staff Writer

When you hear the word “agriculture”, do you think of puppy mills?

Well, you should, because any regulation or law that has to do with agriculture includes puppy mills.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), there is a large scale commercial dog breeding operation where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs.

Take Missouri’s “Right to Farm” bill (Amendment One) that was passed earlier this year.

The bill states that your farming rights can never be taken away, and that the government cannot interfere with your farming company.

This is what some people may not know. We already have a Right to Farm amendment embedded in our constitution.

We have had one since before Missouri ever became a state. Why do we need another?

Remember those commercials of the sad dog looking into the camera, while “In the Arms of an Angel” by Sarah McLachlan plays in the background? That is our future now that Amendment One has passed.

Congratulations, that is not the only issue with Amendment One. Right to Farm makes it easy for companies like Monsanto to farm their Genetically Modified Organism on Missouri’s farms. I do not understand why people voted for this, but that is just me.

“That agriculture which provides food, energy, health benefits and security is the foundation and stabilizing force of Missouri’s economy.

“To protect this vital sector of Missouri’s economy, the right of farmers and ranchers to engage in farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state, subject to duly authorized powers, if any, conferred by article VI of the Constitution of Missouri,” the amendment states.

If the breeder would get in trouble for the conditions due to Proposition B, which places limits and regulations on dog breeding the breeder would only be charged with a misdemeanor offense.

Since Amendment One has passed, that breeder can go right back to breeding their dogs the same way they were before. Their “…practices shall be forever guaranteed.”

Who cares about a misdemeanor offense when a breeder can go back to doing the same they were before? All they have to do is raise the price of dogs to pay for any court costs.

Amendment One is horrible for not only dogs, but for small farmers as well.

It also states that government officials cannot interfere with their farming. Do you know what that means? Welcome to Missouri, Monsanto.

This amendment makes it easy for big businesses to move in because of the limited government interference.

Please, farm your disgusting Genetically Modified Organisms and pay our small family operations to take their farms, and take them out of business.

Maybe you can adopt an overpriced, abused dog while you are here.

Big corporations can move their farming practices into Missouri, and not have it regulated.

There are so many things that could happen to ensure the stability of the small farms and the dogs that are being bred.

A small change in the amendment changing how breeding dogs are included could help. If we exclude dog breeders from the fact that their business is “forever guaranteed”, that will make breeders think more before treating dogs the way they have been.

Also, I think making a small change about big businesses and dog breeders can help.

If we just exclude big corporations then the small family farms are still protected.